Learn the life-changing system of Human Design!

3 month LIVE course starting March 4th (final LIVE round!) including 11 core modules, Q&A & community as you learn to confidently read a Human Design chart for clients and friends! *Certification Option Available*

Discover the incredible system of Human Design and support living in alignment with your natural energy & cosmic blueprint! In this course you will experience LIVE teaching in a dynamic group environment with access to course platform, materials and replays. You will be able to confidently give foundation HD readings and support your clients, team or family with understanding their HD as well.










Reach for the


Welcome to Cosmic Queen!


I am so thrilled to have you here because this is where you make BOLD MOVES and BIG MAGIC in alignment with your unique Astrology and Human Design!

At Cosmic Queen, we offer courses, mentorship & coaching and community for entrepreneurs & ambitious people with a VISION.

In our programs and courses, you will gain impactful and mind-blowing insights into your personal genius using your Astrology and Human Design. This is how you get what we call "The Cosmic Edge".

We specialize in 3 key areas: Identity, Leadership & Confidence. Giving you what you need to STAND OUT and courageously take massive action for your dreams.


- Rachel, Cosmic Queen Founder & CEO


*For Press & inquiries email [email protected] or visit our Contact Page

Discover your Cosmic Leadership Archetype with
this FREE 19-page E-Book

The Midheaven in Astrology is the FAME point, the part that shows us how our particular brand of personal MAGNETISM really works. 
Ready to be SEEN and MAKE AN IMPACT?

Discover Your Cosmic Leadership Archetype Here

Discover your Cosmic Leadership Archetype with
this FREE 19-page E-Book

The Midheaven in Astrology is the FAME point, the part that shows us how our particular brand of personal MAGNETISM really works. 
Ready to be SEEN and MAKE AN IMPACT?

Discover Your Cosmic Leadership Archetype Here


Rachel Star is an Astrologer, Identity Coach and Queen Activator known for her unique cosmic approach to leadership and growth.

Born in California and currently living in London, UK, Rachel is a mom to a rambunctious 3 year old and has a Libra Sun, Gemini Moon and Pisces Rising but in her work, what you see is her powerful Sagittarius Midheaven. She's a 2 / 5 Manifesting Generator in Human Design with big energy and heart.

Rachel worked for 8 years in the tech world in London both in Advertising Agencies and as a Big 4 Management Consultant. Before that she worked with the foreign service, the luxury fashion industry and PR, and her passion is for coaching and empowering people to expand their potential. 

Rachel uses Astrology and Human Design to help visionary people be truly seen in the world and to make BIG moves in alignment with their natural gifts and energy. She is the founder of COSMIC QUEEN and the Cosmic Coach Academy. She stands for being radically YOU, the magnetic being that came here for a reason to live life on YOUR terms.

Work with Me

*For Press & inquiries email [email protected] or visit our Contact Page 

Mentorship & Coaching

Work 1-1 or in a mastermind group with CQ Founder, Rachel Star to elevate what you do and make your dreams real by working in alignment with your cosmic blueprint.

Working as a coach and mentor for the last 5 years, Rachel has a unique genius for helping ambitious individuals find their own genius and achieve their goals with more ease and joy. She is an activating coach who believes in personal empowerment and limitless possibilities.
Her clients take massive action in alignment with the stars and feel deeply seen and supported while doing it.

Enquire here about working with Rachel. Note: 1-1 packages range in investment and Rachel's current highest touch option is $5,000 USD per month. Group containers vary in investment..


Cosmic Studies

Take on-demand or LIVE courses and programs to learn more about a certain aspect of your leadership or personal growth journey using laser insights from your personal Astrology & Human Design. 

Our signature program is The Star, a 14-Module Video Astrology Foundation Course. To learn to confidently read an Astrology chart and to support your clients and community with you skill (+ a certification option), click the button below.


To stand out as a leader with a powerful personal brand, take Midheaven Magnetism. PURCHASE HERE

To learn the system of Human Design and get certified, join the waitlist for my Human Design program. Next running in 2024. JOIN WAITLIST HERE


To apply cosmic insight to different areas of life, we have a variety of courses like the 3 Queen series (wise, warrior and pleasure queen) and courses on the nodes, the 12 houses, decluttering the mind etc.
Email [email protected] 
and we will help you find the right course!


Constellation Community

The Constellation Community is CQ’s monthly membership and community!

This is THE place to ACTIVATE your inner genius and power as you reach for the stars. LEARN to harness the movements of the planets in Astrology + Human Design in REAL-TIME.

DANCE with the cosmic energies (like retrogrades, eclipses, New Moons, Full Moons, planetary ingresses and more) as you move through the seasons of the zodiac in an inspiring, soul-led community!

Membership is a rolling $111 per month (or save 2 months with $1,111 per year) with tons of goodies included!


Join the CQ Email List for the Latest News and Offers

Cosmic Letters straight from my heart to your inbox!
Rachel Star x

Subscribe Here
 “When I first started coaching with Rachel, I had little confidence and zero direction for my business. My perfectionism and fear of failure held me back from taking action. Rachel created a safe and supportive space for me to learn, build and grow.

Over the course of our time together, she believed, challenged and encouraged me to step beyond my comfort zone. She also taught me cosmic tools based on my astrology and human design to incorporate into my life.


Rachel has helped me believe in myself and have the confidence to show up! I am currently working on my first offer. What I love most about Rachel is her authenticity and passion. You just want to be around her ALL the time! Not to mention how much fun she is during our sessions. I am so grateful for this genuine, generous, loving soul. I can't wait to work with her again in the future!”

- Stephanie, Coach

Our Mission.


At Cosmic Queen, our mission is to help ambitious entrepreneurs to KNOW who they are, LEAD courageously and CONFIDENTLY do big things.

We do that by teaching people about their unique GENIUS and to unlock their potential through their unique IDENTITY using Astrology & Human Design.

In 5-10 years, we believe virtually every high-performance coach will be using cosmic systems with their clients. We are on the forefront of that movement and leading the way in cutting-edge identity work and leadership development.

No more shrinking to fit in

No more midlife identity crisis.

No more putting up with unfulfilling careers or jobs

No more sleeping on your highest potential



The Cosmic Queen Podcast

The Cosmic Queen Podcast

UNIQUENESS is your superpower.
This podcast is for ambitious people ready to use their genius to create wealth, positive impact & personal fulfillment. We talk personal branding, business & leadership. Time to be courageous & seen. Lets Reach for the Stars!

Listen on Spodify Here
Liston On Apple Podcasts Here

Podcast Collaborations

Astrology Hub

The top-rated Astrology Hub Podcast has over 8.5 million downloads and highlights astrology’s many facets and spans the rich spectrum of astrological specialties by featuring up and coming astrologers as well as living legends in the field.

In this episode, Rachel introduces the Astrology Hub community to her 12 Cosmic Leadership Archetypes and how to use them to stand out in business.

Watch the Podcast Here

The Downright Dreaming Podcast

In this episode, Rachel Onojafe is the first guest on The Downright Dreaming Podcast. Rachel dives deep into both Kate and Tanya's birth chart, human design and LOVE LANGUAGES! This is an episode filled with so much insight to reading your birth chart, what your star sign means, the 12 Houses of Astrology and SO MUCH MORE!

Listen to the Episode Here

The Successful CEO Podcast

Charissa Lynn is a multiple 6-figure CEO and founder of Crush Aftercare as well as running a thriving online coaching business. Charissa interviews Rachel on her experiences and advice building a successful business while having a baby and going through the pandemic in 2020. Listen for inspiration on making those BOLD moves and BIG magic.

Watch the Podcast Here
"After spending thousands of dollars on business coaching, I found myself stuck with a business model that felt constricted. At the third session with Cosmic Queen everything became clear to me. I had a huge epiphany that helped me completely revamp my program and focus on what actually feels wonderful to me and uses my gifts.


Rachel teaches human design in such a marvelous way, because not only does she give you the tools to fully live into your passion, but also, with her breadth of knowledge she helps you understand yourself in a beautiful way where you can really appreciate your uniqueness!


Needless to say that I’m pumped and super grateful for this new direction that I have started now in my coaching business. And I’ve already seen incredible results! I feel invigorated, because now I know how to maximize my talents and not to waste energy on trying to change the essence of who I am!
I also know how to fully support my unique needs, and have a business that feels like joy instead of a burden."

Shifra - Relationship Coach

Join The CQ Email List for the Latest News and Offers

Cosmic letters straight from my heart to your inbox!
Rachel Onojafe xx

Cosmic Queen is a business that offers life coaching, business coaching and confidence coaching for entrepreneurs and businesses globally. Our clients are product creators, online businesses, life coaches, astrologers, breathwork facilitators and ted-x speakers. We work with ambitious entrepreneurs to build their businesses with joy and alignment. By aligning to your astrology and human design, you can feel more fulfilled, gain more clarity and make faster and better decisions for yourself and in business. We teach human design for business and human design for beginners. Our programs cover astrology for business and astrology for beginners. We use ancient techniques for modern empowerment. We practice empowering astrology that helps show people a path forward in their lives. By working with your astrology and human design, you can get faster results and feel more fulfilled as you grow and scale your business. Confidence and self-love are essential ingredients for a successful entrepreneur. Confidence in yourself and embracing your uniqueness will help you to stand out from the crowd. Astrology and Human Design give you the cosmic edge. Branding and marketing using your astrology and human design. Our mantra and our mission is to help entrepreneurs reach for the stars.
Reach for the Stars.
